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September 30, 2024
06:00 pm - 08:30 pm


A six-part online course exploring the inner critic

We are continuing our online exploration this fall, focusing on recognizing, understanding and learning to defend and disengage from the inner critic (also called the inner judge or superego).

The inner critic is the part of us that constantly evaluates and criticises us and our experience. It is the source of a lot of our suffering, and ends up limiting our life and our potential, undermining our self worth, and inhibiting our spiritual development. Working with the inner jugde is a crucial part of the teaching of the Diamond Approach.


In this course we will:
– Explore and recognise the beliefs, self images, ideals and standards that keep this structure in place.
– Look into where this tendency to judge ourselves comes from, both in our history and our society.
– Learning some practical tools to disengage in order to experience some space from this inner critic.
– Understanding how the various essential aspects, like for example loving kindness and strength, provide useful tools in the process of working with the inner critic.

Booking through Diamond Approach Scandinavia

For questions please contact [email protected]


We will meet 6 times, all Mondays except for one Tuesday, from 18-20:30:
12.11 (Tuesday)
2400,- NOK

If you experience financial difficulties please feel free to reach out.​


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