Welcome to the Diamond Approach's US Northeast and Eastern Canada practice region where you'll find information about groups meeting in the Eastern time zone as far south as Washington, DC, east to Boston and Maine, and north to Toronto and Ottawa.
US Northeast:
Diamond Approach groups have existed in the US Northeast region for over 20 years, with established ongoing groups in Boston, MA; Chester, CT; Philadelphia, PA; Washington, DC; and New York City. Currently new groups are developing in Amherst, MA, Boston, MA, New York, NY, and Philadelphia, PA.
Among the various offerings in the Northeast region are week-long retreats as well as day-long and weekend workshops. All offer complete teachings, integral to the Diamond Approach. In addition, introductory evenings that give a taste of the approach are offered in various areas. Book study groups in many cities allow interested students to connect with the Diamond Approach through reading, discussion, and inquiry.
There are centers of practice in Toronto and Ottawa, with ongoing groups using the retreat format, featuring a diverse international membership, and supplemented with online events.