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September 9, 2024
06:15 pm - 08:15 pm


An eight-part Zoom Series


A foundational spiritual practice is to recognize and separate from your inner critic and how it dominates you and your development. This is an opportunity to recover the aliveness and spontaneity at the heart of your life. Whether you have been working with the inner critic for years or are new to the practice, this series focuses on the common barriers we reach and the way through. A powerful dimension of the series is to share the journey of recovery with others.

The series will be based on the Diamond Approach teachings from:  A Soul Without Shame: A Guide to Liberating Yourself From The Judge Within by Byron Brown.

No prior experience with the Diamond Approach is needed.

The series will address:

  • Understanding how the inner critic is formed in our early development.
  • Becoming more aware of the impact of the inner critic and building our ability to tolerate difficult feelings and sensations as we explore.
  • Seeing how we stay engaged with the inner critic through rationalizing, counter-attacking, and collapsing.
  • Practicing concrete ways to disengage and separate from the inner critic or Judge.
  • Understanding and experiencing the essential qualities of our souls that help us defend and separate from the inner Judge—Awareness, Compassion, Strength, Will, Curiosity and Value.
  • Working with the relationship between our inner critic and inner child(ren) as we interrupt the judgment loop.
  • Developing trust in True Guidance, rather than a reliance on the functioning of the inner critic.

Each session will include:

A short meditation

Teaching portion (This will be recorded and made available after each session)

Personal and Inter-Personal Exercises

Group sharing and discussion

The series meets every other week on either:


Group 1:  Monday Evenings 6:15-8:30 pm Central time

Sept. 9, 23

Oct. 7, 21

Nov. 4, 18

Dec. 2, 16

Group 2:  Wednesday Mornings 9:30-11:45 am Central time

Sept. 11, 25

Oct. 9, 23

Nov. 6, 20

Dec. 4, 18

Teacher: Sheryl Lyndes Stowman has had a lifelong love of the mysterious and creative Presence we often call the Divine or True Nature. This brought her early in life into the Christian ministry and following a Christian contemplative path. She spent 33 years as a Clinical Pastoral Educator guiding ministers, religious leaders, chaplains and educators in personal and professional development.  This is where she delved deeply into psychological understandings of personality and spiritual development. She also trained in spiritual guidance from an eco-feminist perspective. Drawn to the wisdom and integration of Diamond Approach 18 years ago, she has been an active student and currently is an ordained teacher-minister in the Midwest region of the US. 

Registration:  To register or for questions contact Sheryl Lyndes Stowman at [email protected]

  • 12 registrants per section
  • A short registration form will be provided
  • Tuition is $200.00 (Payment by PayPal or Venmo available)



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