06:30 pm - 09:00 pm
Life is a flow of continuous change. We can fight the flow, and be battered or pulled under, or we can learn to ride the wave and let its energy support our self-understanding, growth, and expansion. Inquiry is the process we use in the Diamond Approach to understand the flow of our lives and come into harmony with this dynamism.
In Hawai'i, we live in a land of magic and beauty. We sense this richness – which is also the richness of our inner nature – yet many of us lose touch with that as we experience what seems to be the grind of day-to- day life. In truth, our lives and our depth are not disconnected. In this class you will learn the practice of Diamond Inquiry, which gives us access to the magical depth of our Being as we explore our lives and learn to move with the dynamism that wants our growth and expansion. Through Diamond Inquiry, we come to insight and understanding of life experience that allows us to release the past and become more our authentic selves. Our lives are then enriched and we feel free to express our deepest nature.
This is a six-class series that will include meditation, talks to spark exploration, the practice of inquiry with other participants, and guided work with the teachers. It is open to everyone, and highly recommended for those wanting to join the new Diamond Approach group forming in the Hawai'ian Islands. Please register by September 12.
Thursday evenings, 6:30-9:00 pm Hawai'i Time
9/15, 9/29, 10/13, 10/27, 11/10, 12/8
(please note the gap in the schedule over the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday)
$150 for the series
To register, please email Ursula McCall or Anne Hoff