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online event_Ilene

September 19, 2020
10:00 am - 11:30 am

Inquiry Series Online starting September 19

" In the process of inquiry...the soul first throws away her old garb...."   - A. H. Almaas, Spacecruiser Inquiry

Our live inquiry series  online is a support in these challenging times and is open to the public. We’ll  meet for 6 weeks  via  Zoom. Inquiry  the central practice of the Diamond Approach, offers a powerful, dynamic doorway to becoming more intimate with our  personal experience in the moment. It beckons true understanding in the face of our changing outside environment. You'll have the opportunity to work individually with the teacher in the supportive online presence of the other participants.


SCHEDULE: Saturdays, 10 am - 11:30 am
September 19, October 3, 10, 31
November 7, December 5, 2020


Fee: $180 ($150 if paid by 9/10) for the 6 week series. (sliding scale available) 
Contact Teacher Ilene Buchalter to  Register

All times are mountain time

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