10:00 pm - 05:30 pm
NY, New York
One of the central challenges on any spiritual path is confronting the fact that we have separated our spiritual nature from our physical nature. We tend to seek one and remain suspicious of the other. We are born with the potential to know our spiritual nature, and many paths approach this by suppressing our instinctual animal nature.
But we are also born as instinctual little animals, and our animal nature is our life force. Infants and young babies are not greedy, hateful, or destructive; they just want what they want. Yet we all know that people can become selfish and hateful in a way no animal is, and we can find endless examples of this in our world.
Please join us for a personal exploration of what our animal nature actually is, and the discovery that the spiritual and the animal are not inherently separate.
Saturday, May 17th 10 am-530 pm
Sunday, May 18th 10 am-530 pm
$300 Teaching Fee.