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November 01 - November 05, 2024
07:00 pm - 12:00 pm
Chester, Connecticut

Love. We sing songs about it, we watch movies about it. We ask each other, “How’s your love life?”

We read books about finding the love you want, keeping the love you’ve got, rekindling the love that’s grown cold. Love and connection are central to our human lives. 

We’ve all had many experiences of love, both sweet and bitter, and we’ve come to many conclusions about it. And so in our lives, we’ve moved toward it, we’ve moved away from it, we’ve hoped for it, we’ve felt threatened by it, we’ve felt done with it. 

What is the origin of these feelings? How did we become convinced that love and union are ‘out there,’ something to be found or lost? That sweet fulfillment depends on another? This is a universal belief. 

Please join us for a deep dive into the essence of loving union, the state of Being itself that melts us in a sweet, delicious love that contents the heart and rests the mind. 


Evening of November 1 through lunch on November 5.


$480 Teaching Fee.

Plus Room and Board. See Registration Link for Details.



Guesthouse Retreat Center
318 W Main Street
Chester, CT
United States
Connecticut US

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