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April 14, 2022
07:00 pm - 09:30 pm

Human beings naturally want to be free, to be real. No one has to tell us to want it; we naturally aspire to it. We are naturally impelled to want freedom. And in time, we see that our freedom is not separate from the freedom of others, or from the freedom of the universe.

The force behind this aspiration is beyond our familiar way of knowing ourselves, yet we can discover it in any moment of our ordinary experience. How is it that any particular moment can reveal all the treasures of the spiritual universe? How does that happen?

This free introduction to the Diamond Approach will include a meditation, a talk, an experiential exploration, and a time for questions, a format that is similar to the structure of our ongoing Diamond Approach groups.


Future dates for introductory Teachings:

June 15, 2022, 7-9:30 pm

Sept. 8, 2022, 7-9:30 pm


April 14, 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm





United States

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