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May 23 - May 24, 2020
10:00 am - 05:00 pm

This event has moved online due to the coronavirus pandemic. We hope you can join us for this weekend and explore how to be fully present with one's experience.

We often hear about learning to be more present. It sounds like a good idea, learning to be awake to the moment. However, when we slow down, we often notice that something inside us remains active, unsettled, agitated. We are busy trying to accomplish something, solve a problem, or change what we are actually feeling into a "better" feeling. 

We long to be present in our lives and experience, even if we're not sure what that means or how to get there. But this longing tells us we have forgotten something we once knew. Presence is our nature, and ultimately, the nature of everything. 

Something in us knows that presence is a doorway that can take us, not just to an intimacy with what is most real in us, but to the vastness and depth and mystery of Beingness itself. And this is a deep truth of Reality, that we might can forget our nature but we can never be separated from it. 


Event Organizer: To register and for more information, contact Noell Goldberg -- [email protected]


Dates: Sat. May 23, 2020 - Sun. May 24, 2020

Times: 10 AM - 5 PM both days


Cost for the Weekend Teaching: $250


United States

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