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October 04 - October 06, 2019
07:00 pm - 12:00 pm
Willard, Wisconsin

Inner activation of the Black Latifa invites a sense of peace, stillness and power to the process of exploring and discovering our True Nature.  By inquiring into the black mystery we can deepen our understanding of the ego activity that normally fills our minds and our hearts resulting in reactivity, self-doubt, and feelings of hatred.  We will carefully explore the quality of the Black Latifa to connect us to our deeper inner nature through meditation, teaching and experiential exercies.  

Directions to the Christine Center in Willard, WI. will be provided at time of registraiton  Google maps will not provide correct directions.  


Friday 7 PM- 9:30 PM

Saturday 9 AM -9 PM

Sunday 9 AM - 12 PM


All-inclusive cost:  $315 (includes tuition, two nights lodging, and 4 meals).  

To register contact:  Johanna Seubert, FSPA at [email protected] or 715-267-5703


Christine Center
W8303 Mann Road
Willard, WI 54493
United States
Wisconsin US

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