10:00 am - 05:00 pm
Portland, Oregon
The ‘inner critic’ – the ‘judge’ – the ‘superego’... These are various names for that inner voice that tells us what to do and what range of behavior is acceptable. It’s the voice that attacks and criticizes us when we don’t live up to its standards. It’s the voice that mercilessly drives us toward unrealistic goals of perfection. Whatever you name it, it’s an oppressive force that limits human freedom and inner peace. It is the major obstacle to personal growth and transformation.
The good news is that the Diamond Approach, a modern school for consciousness work, has a deep understanding of the inner critic and a highly effective methodology for working to free yourself from its shaming, driving, and relentless messaging. When the inner critic is not understood, you are at its mercy. Once you know its origins and how it operates, it is possible to put it in perspective and to learn to defend against or free yourself from its attacks. When it no longer has a hold on you, your engagement in the world becomes more expressive and authentic, which unleashes your personal potential.
Saturday 3/31/18, 10:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.
Sunday 4/1/18, 10:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.
USD $150