07:00 pm - 08:30 pm
Meet the Approach - Conversations about Living, Inquiry & the Diamond Approach
In this series of free webinars, meet with Diamond Approach teachers to talk about the Diamond Approach path and how it supports a life of inquiry and discovery. These webinars are part of the offerings of a new Diamond Approach group which is forming in the Philadelphia area and is open to new students. The webinars are a chance to meet some of the teachers, ask questions about the Diamond Approach, and learn a bit about this path of inner work and discovery.
These webinars will be occurring on May 8, June 5, and July 1st. For each webinar, we will provide a short reading or video for you to watch which we will use to prompt some of our discussion.
This webinar will be led by Diamond Approach Philadelphia Teachers Greg Knight and Gina Crago.
The Diamond Approach is a contemporary teaching for inner discovery and spiritual development. Combining meditation practices, modern psychological knowledge and perennial spiritual wisdom, the Diamond Approach offers a systematic way to explore the depths of one’s inner nature while living a fulfilling life in the world. The Diamond Approach uses a modern curriculum, creating a place for individuals to support each other in discovering what it means to live in the world from a place of authenticity and presence. It incorporates group teachings, one on one work with teachers, and individual practices. In the Diamond Approach, each person can learn what it means to express the mysterious depth of their inner nature in their own, unique way.
Diamond Approach Philadelphia 2 is a teaching group open to new students. If you’re interested in getting a taste of the Diamond Approach with a growing community of people, you are welcome to come. For more information visit www.diamondapproachphiladelphia.com.
Logistics & Registration:
To register go to: https://forms.gle/U7JSz8CCvC6RqrYf8
For more info, email: [email protected]
May 8
7:00 - 8:30 pm