09:00 am - 05:00 pm
Wallingford, Pennsylvania
What is it that fuels our motivation for truth? In this weekend retreat we will discuss and inquire into an inner Flame for Truth - what sparks our desire to search for deeper understanding, live with greater presence, and be more real. When understood and freed, our inner flame is a heartfelt motivation that can bring joy, vitality and passion into our life. It helps us overcome disappointment and apathy, and ignites our journey into the mystery of being ourselves.
The is a new Diamond Approach group in Philadelphia. Our retreats are being held at Pendle Hill Retreat Center. We encourage participants to stay at the retreat center for the retreat. We find that when people stay on site for retreats - sharing time with other participants, and having unstructured time out of their usual routine - it significantly enhances the depth of their retreat experience. Pendle Hill itself has beautiful grounds, high quality food, and art to enjoy.
This is being offered as part of the teachings of the new Diamond Approach Philadelphia 2 group that is open to new students. To learn more about the new group, visit www.diamondapproachphiladelphia.com.
Click Here to Register and More Information about the Retreat.
If you have registration questions, please contact event organizer Carrie O’Brien.
October 12, 9:00 am through October 13, 5:00 pm