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April 24, 2021
09:00 am - 02:30 pm

The Diamond Approach Ottawa Montreal community invites you to participate in our monthly online practice days which include meditation, body awareness and self-inquiry.
Each practice day will focus on one of these essential aspects; strength, will, joy, power and compassion.
We will explore how the qualities of Essence support us to live a life that is real and meaningful.
Each 3-hour class offers an optional extended practice period for 90 minutes following the lunch break.


"...True nature expresses its purity when we are in the mode of practice and the attitude of practice. This means that we are experiencing and expressing true nature through the three centers: as commitment to continual practice through the belly, as love, devotion, and reverence through the heart, and as discriminating intelligence through the mind."
The Alchemy of Freedom, A.H. Almaas


9:00am to 12:00pm EST (optional 1:00pm to 2:30pm)

Additional 2021 Online Practice Dates:
May 15 - June 12 - July 10


Sliding Scale: $45 to $85 CAD (plus tax)


Online Zoom Meeting

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