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Event_New Zealand_2023_07_15

July 15, 2023
10:00 am - 12:15 pm

At times our lives can feel heavy.  We may feel the “weight of the world” upon us, with its many challenges, tasks and responsibilities.  Or perhaps we find ourselves continually feeling alone, wondering if we will ever have the loving and satisfying relationships we long for.

Living joyously, spontaneously and freely seems to belong to some other time or to somebody different from ourselves.

As children we could naturally touch into a sense of carefree delight and playful exploration of the world. As adults, all too often our life becomes an efforting to be or get what we think we need in order to feel satisfied, fulfilled and happy.

In this stand-alone event we will explore how the teachings and practices of the Diamond Approach can orient us towards a lightness in our essential nature which is independent of external conditions. Living lightly, our life becomes a loving curious journey of discovering who we really are.


Zoom Event: Taught by Vivienne Leahy, 10.00am - 12.15pm New Zealand Standard Time

Open to: the general public and those interested in a new Diamond Approach group in New Zealand.

To register or for information: contact Vivienne at [email protected]


Vivienne Leahy is a New Zealand-born teacher of the Diamond Approach who teaches in both the United States and New Zealand.

Along with Ash Wain, she is presently engaged with forming a second ongoing Diamond Approach group in New Zealand.



NZD 40.00


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