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Event_New Zealand_2023_02_10

February 10, 2023
07:00 pm - 09:00 pm
Wellington, New Zealand

We each come to the spiritual path from different places, yet often we encounter a kind of one-size-fits-all approach to spiritual practice. Through a particular form of meditation, repeating chants, sacred sounds, prayers or movements, devoting ourselves to a teacher or giving service to others, we hope to connect with the peace, love, wisdom, freedom and clarity that spiritual teachings tell us is our true being. 

When deep or lasting transformation eludes us, we may wonder if something is amiss.  Is this my path, my teacher, am I getting the teaching, am I doing enough? Am I OK?

The Diamond Approach recognizes that the journey of unfoldment of each individual is unique.  We filter our experience through a lens of personal, cultural and developmental history that becomes a pervasive sense of how things are. Through the central practice of inquiry, we bring presence and direct understanding to this lens that shapes and distorts our experience, allowing us to relax into simply being here, knowing ourselves and living as the essence of who we really are.

This free evening event offers an opportunity to meet a Diamond Approach teacher and some long-term students, find out more about this path, taste it experientially and find out if this contemporary spiritual path resonates with you.

RSVP: go to





St Andrews Centre, Community Room 1
30 The Terrace
Wellington 6011
New Zealand

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