06:30 pm - 08:30 pm
Kahului, Hawaii
Join us for an exploration of the Inner Critic, a tenacious layer of our personality which prevents expansion, inner peace and freedom. We will be embarking on our soul's journey to free ourselves from this relentless voice and its oppressive force.
Together we will be studying the precious book, Soul Without Shame: A Guide to Liberating Yourself from the Judge Within by Byron Brown, and we will be using the awareness practices (inquiry and meditation) of the Diamond Approach in support of our journey.
Each session is open to new participants.
Led by Ursula McCall, Diamond Approach Teacher, and Monty Carpenter, Diamond Approach Teacher in Training.
The book study will meet from 6:30-8:30 p.m. on the following nights. Each session is open to new participants.
Tuesday, March 20
Tuesday, March 27
Tuesday, April 3
Free. Suggested donation $5 per evening for the hospice center.