10:00 am - 05:00 pm
St. Petersburg, Florida
Diamond Approach Florida, a new open group, welcomes anyone living in the Southeast US to join us for this potent, joyful weekend. There will be talks evoking our depth, meditation, personal inquiry exploration, and an opportunity to inquire with one of the teachers, while in the supportive presence of the other group members. Inquiry, the central practice of the Diamond Approach, provides a unique way for us to become intimate with, and understand, our personal experience in the moment. When inquiry is infused with the Essential Aspect of Joy, our inquiry—and our lives-- can feel like a lighthearted, playful journey of discovery.
Essential Joy is the source of the curiosity and openness needed to engage our love of the truth. This brings about a sense of adventure in discovering the wondrous treasure that is within us—who we really are. With this discovery, our inner journey and our lives can be transformed.
Cost: $225 ($195 if paid before 3/23/2019)
Optional introductory private session (seperate fee)
To Register: see our website: diamondapproachflorida.com or contact Event Organizer