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September 29, 2018
10:00 am - 05:00 pm
Denver, Colorado

Inquiry, the central practice of the Diamond Approach, offers a doorway to our true home. The loving kindness and attunement of the Green aspect, allows our inquiry to address exactly where our heart is, allowing us to open to our depth. The Green aspect’s warmth and Compassion can be inseparable from the precise understanding that is the hallmark of inquiry. In this way, our open-ended inquiry can gently guide us home.

In this class, we will learn and explore the quality of Compassion, the Green aspect, in relation to inquiry. There will be evocative talks, meditation, personal inquiry exploration, and an opportunity to work individually with the teacher, while in the supportive presence of other group members.

Some remote participation available if you live outside the Denver, CO, metro area.

Name: Ilene Buchalter

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 720-206-7189


$110 ($95 if paid by 9/19/18)


6750E Mexico Ave
Denver, CO
United States
Colorado US

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