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April 7, 2019
10:00 am - 01:00 pm

Sometimes changes happen as gradually as the seasons shifting from summer into fall and fall into winter…and sometimes they plow into us from out of the blue. 

Whether they creep up on you or deeply disrupt your life’s rhythm, you’ve felt the power of transitions.  

All of these changes—even the ones you feel are positive—involve some loss, fear, or grief, as your life is forever altered. At the very same time, all changes—even those that rock your world with tragedy—hold the potential for growth, renewal, and deepening your connection with yourself. 

It takes support and the willingness and capacity to stay with your experience so it can reveal the gold inside transitions. In fact, they’re necessary catalysts for all our transforming, evolving, and maturing.  

When our transitions are incomplete, it means we are dragging around baggage from the past. But as you develop the understanding and tools you need to nurture your growth across change, you’ll begin to develop the confidence, openness, and presence you need in order to be with whatever you meet on life’s path. 

This is one of many benefits of working with the Diamond Approach, a contemporary spiritual teaching of self-realization and human maturity rooted in both ancient spiritual teachings and modern depth psychology. 

In our “Spirituality in Daily Life” seminar on Life Transitions with John Davis, you’ll explore the inner structure, challenges, and spiritual possibilities of significant life transitions you’ve experienced or are experiencing now. 

You’ll discover… 

- How to tap into the possibility for profound growth, personal evolution, and fulfillment that transitions offer you 

- How to use the counterintuitive view that all changes begin with an ending and end with a beginning 

- A powerful practice for becoming initiated more deeply into your life 

- How to approach life transitions as an opportunity for deepening your presence, experiencing transformation, and developing spiritual maturity 


The Applied Seminar is $35 and will take place on Sunday, April 7 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. PDT.

In this seminar, you’ll hear a teaching segment, engage with a practice on how to approach transitions, and have the opportunity to ask John questions that might arise, live.  

You’ll also be able to access a downloadable event recording afterward. 

We hope you’ll join us for this unique opportunity to learn and to evolve! 


Meet the Teacher

John Davis is an ordained teacher of the Diamond Approach, an adjunct professor at Naropa University, and a staff member for the School of Lost Borders. John is the author of The Diamond Approach: An Introduction to the Teachings of A. H. Almaas (Shambhala Publications), entries on Transpersonal Psychology and Wilderness Rites of Passage in the Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature, and the chapter on the Diamond Approach in The Handbook of Transpersonal Psychology, among other writings. His primary interest is full human development with a special focus on the intersection of spirit, psyche, and nature. John leads Diamond Approach groups in Colorado, Vancouver, Seattle, and Connecticut, guides wilderness retreats, and directs a training program for Diamond Approach teachers.


The Spirituality in Daily Life Series

Diamond Approach Online is excited to announce the launch this year of an online series of applied seminars on Spirituality in Daily Life

This series of short seminars will cover topics including meditation, life transitions, parenting, breath and the body, conscious relationships, and the Enneagram, and is designed for a wider audience of both newcomers to the school and longer-term students.

Each seminar is steeped in the 40-plus years of living wisdom contained in the Diamond Approach, a contemporary spiritual path that integrates ancient spiritual teachings with modern depth psychology. 

Stay tuned for more details on the next seminar in the series, Breath and Body, by signing up for our newsletter. We hope you’ll join us as we discover the gifts of Spirituality in Daily Life and learn time-tested methods for bringing greater fulfillment into your life.


10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Pacific Time

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USD $35


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