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March 10, 2019
10:00 am - 01:00 pm

Many forms of meditation are taught today, but it can be hard to know what will truly be helpful when you need spiritual support.

Whichever meditation you try, it’s easy to drift off, daydream, or dissociate from the here-and-now. Emptying your mind or cultivating calm can seem like unreachable goals, and more intensive practice can leave you without the means to integrate your experience.

That’s why it’s so important to find a way to engage with your embodied, direct experience in the now, with all of your senses online—so that you don’t get lost, on the journey toward greater awareness and Presence.

This practical wisdom undergirds the Diamond Approach, a contemporary spiritual teaching of self-realization and human maturity that resonates with and is informed by both ancient spiritual teachings and modern depth psychology.

In our Spirituality in Daily Life seminar on Meditation, you’ll discover two core Diamond Approach practices:

First, with the “Sensing, Looking and Listening” practice, you’ll awaken embodied sensation—sensation that is consciousness in the body, living and breathing. This practice of embodiment supports transformation and living a spiritual life, while being fully in your body and in your environment, here on earth.

Second, with the Kath Meditation, you’ll develop a sense of greater ground and a feeling of inner support and concentration. The Kath Meditation focuses on the belly and on developing a single-pointed focus you can rest into.

Led by long-time Diamond Approach teacher, Jeanne Rosenblum, this seminar will give you the opportunity to learn these two powerful meditation techniques, to try practicing each, and to ask Jeanne questions that might arise.

You'll also discover…

  • How to ground yourself into your body and all the resources it provides you with, rather than get pulled away by an overactive mind.

  • How to let aliveness and a sense of peace come to the fore in your experience, regardless of your physical circumstances.

  • How to stay with sensations that arise so your body fills with conscious awareness as you awaken to your own embodiment.


This 3-hour online seminar is only $35 USD and will take place on Sunday, March 10, 2019 from 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. PST via the easy-to-use Zoom online conferencing system. If you cannot attend live, you will have access to a downloadable recording after the event. The seminar will include time for teaching and instruction, time for practice and engagement, and time for questions and comments with Jeanne.

We hope you’ll join us for this special learning opportunity!


The Spirituality in Daily Life Series

Diamond Approach Online is excited to announce the launch this year of an online series of applied seminars on Spirituality in Daily Life

This series of short seminars will cover topics including meditation, life transitions, parenting, breath and the body, conscious relationships, and the Enneagram, and is designed for a wider audience of both newcomers to the school and longer-term students.

Each seminar is steeped in the 40-plus years of living wisdom contained in the Diamond Approach, a contemporary spiritual path that integrates ancient spiritual teachings with modern depth psychology. 

Stay tuned for more details on the next seminar in the series Life Transitions by signing up for our newsletter. We hope you’ll join us as we discover the gifts of Spirituality in Daily Life and learn time-tested methods for bringing greater fulfillment into your life.


10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Pacific Time

Find your local time here


USD $35


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