06:00 pm - 12:30 pm
***If coronavirus prevents us from holding the weekend in person, we will invite you to do it on Zoom.
The way of inquiry is the way of true freedom. If inquiry is alive and unfolding, we are free – our mind is free, our hearts are free; our souls are free to unfold, and our Being is free to spontaneously manifest what is natural for it to manifest. - A.H.Almaas. Founder of Diamond Approach.
In this weekend we will explore the practice of inquiry in the Diamond Approach ® with focus on the essential quality of compassion. Essential compassion helps us to stay with an open heart in the midst of pain and suffering and connects us with the totality of who we are. That means we are able to fully experience pain and suffering as well as joy and love.
The workshop is meant for people who want to learn to inquire as well as for people who want to deepen their skills.
The aim of the teaching of The Diamond Approach is to help us gain an increased understanding and awareness of our personality and our deeper nature. It doesn’t require you to adapt to some ideal but welcomes people as they are. It helps everyone to take whatever next step feels natural to us on our own unique path. It uses psychological methods, but only as means to find our own deeper truth.
The main practice of the Diamond Approach is open-ended inquiries. It is about sensing yourself and connecting with what you are experiencing right here and now. Inquiry is practiced in various interactive exercises in small groups with other participants. In this workshop we will explore the art of inquiry, in order to get a deeper understanding of what is real in our own lives. This workshop is the second in a series of ongoing teachings about “The art of inquiry” where we look at the different essential qualities which are useful for inquiring into the deeper layers of our soul.
We are looking forward welcoming you.
This weekend is the second in a series of ongoing teachings about “The art of inquiry” where we look at the different essential qualities which are useful for inquiring into the deeper layers of our soul. You can do one or more courses of the entire series.
Mette Ulsø
[email protected]
0045 24421195
April 9th (starting at 6 pm till 9 pm), 10th (9:30 till 5 pm) and 11th (9:30 am – 12:30)
€234 = DKK1750
If you invite a friend it is DKK 785 or €117 for each of you.
Register before September 20 by paying DK:1750, – into Danske Bank: IBAN DK5530003430133853; BIC (SWIFT-Address) DABADKKK. Bank account: 4420 3430133853 in the name of Mette Ulsø and write her an email to confirm your registration. Or Mobile pay: 24421195.
Mette Ulsø: [email protected] Website: https://metteulsoe.diamondapproach.dk