10:00 am - 05:00 pm
Boulder, Colorado
We as humans are blessed with the capacity to perceive with our senses: sight, sound, taste, feel, and smell. From the perspective of the Diamond Approach, our perceptual capacity is a doorway to knowing who we really are. When we drop into essential perception, the whole realm of our sensory experience can open and deepen. The glint of the sun reflecting off a stream becomes a magical mirror. The smell of the flowers becomes a bouquet of fragrant love. The rustling of trees is transformed into nature’s symphony. In this class we will explore the practices of the Diamond Approach, including meditation, sensing, and inquiry. Weather permitting, we’ll do a short walk. Remote participation is available if you live outside the Denver/Boulder area.
$100 ($85 if paid by September 5)
To register, contact the event organizer.