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February 22 - February 24, 2019
01:00 pm - 05:00 pm
Byfield, Massachusetts

The inner critic is the part of your mind that praises, threatens, and assesses your value. Also known as the superego, this part of you harshly judges how you feel and what you do. The inner critic restricts your life and undermines your self-worth, and is a primary force that inhibits your spiritual development.

Based on the teachings of the Diamond Approach and Byron Brown’s book Soul Without Shame, this workshop will teach you how to recognize the underlying beliefs and patterns that keep your inner judge in place. Through experience, you will come to see how learning more of the truth about the inner critic can actually guide you to greater inner freedom. And you will explore essential aspects within you that can help free you from incessant inner judgment – like openness, compassion and courage.

The class will include meditation, lectures, experiential movement practices, inquiry exercises, and dynamic discussion. The course is appropriate for people who are both new to and have experience with inner work.  It is for people who are interested in confronting habitual patterns of self-attack and want to explore what freedom can arise after judgment is gone. 

Suggested reading: Soul Without Shame: Liberating Yourself from the Judge Within by Byron Brown.

Space in this class is limited, so early registration is recommended.


TEACHERS: Greg Knight & Bettye Jo Wray are ordained Diamond Approach teachers who work with individuals and groups in person and by videoconference.

Register online here.

More Information: Email Greg Knight.


February 22: 1:00 pm – 5:30 pm. 

February 23: 9:30 am – 5:00 pm. 

February 24: 9:30 am – 5:00 pm.


COST: $270.  $245 if paid by January 31.



1 Lunt Street
Byfield, MA 01922
United States
Massachusetts US

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