10:00 am - 05:30 pm
Auburndale, Massachusetts
We are pleased to invite you to join Boston 4, a newly forming on-going Diamond Approach group based in Newton, MA. Boston 4 is a long-term group that meets five weekends per year. Our work includes teachings, meditations, movement, inquiry and discussion. This weekend will be taught by Leah Chyten, an ordained teacher in the Ridhwan School.
Throughout the year different teachers are offering book groups, both in person and with video conferencing.
The Diamond Approach is a journey toward uncovering the essence of who we really are, beneath all the layers of social conditioning and cultural expectation. Its aim is to discover the deepest truth of what it means to be human.
2017 Dates:
February 25-26
April 1-2
June 3-4
September 23-24
October 28-29
$250/$225 early registration
To register, please contact the event organizer.