10:00 am - 12:00 pm
New Orleans, Louisiana
Our basic spiritual orientation is love for the Truth. However, this orientation confronts us with the fact that inner exploration often brings up formidable difficulties. These can challenge our ability to stay open and engaged with our work. What is needed now is our Essential Will. “The true function of the Will is to help us become steadfast so that we are not swayed, and not distracted or seduced away from the inquiry. We keep on exploring regardless of what happens.” ~AH Almaas
Join us all day Saturday to learn about our Essential Will and what tends to prevent our access to it.
Registration: For more information and to register contact Susan Josephson at [email protected]
985-773-8882 or
Saturday All-Day Teaching ~ 10am-5pm CT
Sunday Small Group Inquiry ~ 10am-12:00pm CT
To register please contact event organizer.