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November 9, 2019
06:00 pm - 07:30 pm

Join Diamond Approach teacher Zarina Maiwandi for a free webinar on Saturday, November 9, to learn more about this contemporary path to spiritual awakening and human maturity.   

The Diamond Approach path is a dynamic, evolving teaching that leads to openness, freedom, and the realization of the many dimensions of our human potential—especially the amazing secrets of our spiritual nature. 

There are no beliefs to accept or ideology to embrace—you simply need a sincere desire to know what is true about yourself. 

Combining time-honored spiritual practices like meditation with modern psychological understanding, our methods help you skillfully penetrate obscurations to your inner richness and luminous depth.

As you engage the teaching and its practices, your experience and life transform through many liberating awakenings while your personal embodiment comes to express the beauty, grandeur, and hidden potentials of who you truly are.

We invite you to join us for this free, 90-minute webinar, taking place on Saturday, November 9, at 6:00 pm Pacific. After speaking about the Diamond Approach path, Zarina will also take questions from participants.

More about the Diamond Approach: 

The Diamond Approach includes meditation, inquiry, and sensing practices to support those seeking the truth of our human existence. These practices support the unfoldment of each of our soul's unique expressions. 

While some spiritual paths focus on learning primarily from a teacher or a guru, the Diamond Approach path bridges time-honored spiritual practices and modern psychological understanding to support your fully digesting and understanding your own experiences.  

Its unique teaching method combines small-group meetings and larger-group events with private, one-on-one sessions with expert Diamond Approach teachers. 

Learn more about the Diamond Approach method in this video.


More about Zarina Maiwandi:

Zarina Maiwandi has been a student of the Diamond Approach since 1999 and a teacher since 2015, working with students in the United States and in Asia. Trained as an academic studying Western philosophy and literature, she edits books, including several written by A. H. Almaas, founder of the Diamond Approach.

To register, please click "register" above. The webinar is free.

For questions, please contact [email protected].

The event will be recorded and sent to you after the event if you are unable to attend live.


6:00 - 7:30 pm PDT / 3:00 - 4:30 am CEST

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Registering for a Zoom account is optional; you can participate in events without an account. If you wish to register for a free account, you can do so at:

When registering or joining the event, type in your name so we can identify you and call on you by name if you raise your hand to ask a question or make a comment during the event! Feel free to use a pseudonym if you prefer.

If you already have a Zoom account, please make sure you are using the latest version, and that your internet browser is also the latest version.

To see if you are prepared for the event, try joining this test meeting:

A New Contribution to Spirituality: The Diamond Approach Path
Nov 9, 2019 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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