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September 12, 2024
06:00 pm - 08:00 pm

Exploring the Depths of Self-Inquiry with “Diving Into the Inner Ocean” by Dominic Liber

Are you curious about the deeper layers of your inner world? Do you seek to explore your consciousness’s rich and vast landscape? If so, I invite you to join our upcoming book group, where we will dive into the transformative practice of self-inquiry through Dominic Liber’s profound book, Diving Into the Inner Ocean.

What is the Book About?

Diving Into the Inner Ocean is not just a book; it guides us through the vast, often uncharted waters of our inner experience. Dominic Liber, a seasoned practitioner of the Diamond Approach, presents a method of self-inquiry that is both accessible and profound. Through inquiry, we can learn to engage with our thoughts, feelings, and sensations in a way that leads to greater understanding, insight, and, ultimately, freedom.

Liber’s approach is rooted in open-ended inquiry—an invitation to explore without the need for immediate answers. It is about embracing the unknown and allowing our experience to unfold naturally, revealing the treasures hidden within the depths of our being. This book serves as a compass, guiding us through the intricacies of our inner world with clarity and compassion.

Buy the paperback               Buy the audiobook

What Will We Explore in the Group?

Our book group will explore the key themes and practices presented in Diving Into the Inner Ocean. We will explore:

  • The Practice of Inquiry: What is inquiry, and how can it serve as a tool for personal transformation?
  • Open-Endedness: How can we remain open and curious in our inquiry, allowing the unknown to reveal itself?
  • The Aim of Inquiry: What are we seeking through this practice, and how can it lead us to deeper self-awareness and insight?

Our discussions will be an opportunity to share insights, ask questions, and support each other on this journey of self-discovery. Whether you are new to the practice of inquiry or have been exploring it for some time, this group will provide a space for deep reflection and meaningful connection.

Join Us

I warmly invite you to join our book group and take this opportunity to dive into the inner ocean of your consciousness. Together, we will explore the depths of our being, guided by the wisdom of Dominic Liber and the practice of inquiry.


  • Date & Time: Thursdays – 6 PM to 8 PM Pacific Time
    • September 12 – Meeting 1: Chapters 1, 2, 3 – Intro to Inquiry and the Ocean
    • September 19 – Meeting 2: Chapters 4 & 5 – Exploring the Practices
    • September 26 – Meeting 3: Chapters 6 & 7 – Exploring Open-ended Inquiry
    • October 3 – Meeting 4: Chapters 8, 9, 10 – Infinite Potential of Inquiry
    • October 10 – Meeting 5 Chapters 11, 12, 13 – Inquiry and the Three Centers
  • Location: Online Zoom
  • Cost: $150 for five sessions ($125 if paid in advance by September 9. $35 for individual meetings.
  • RSVP: Email John with questions and to register

About John Harper

John Harper will lead the book group on Diving Into the Inner Ocean. John has been a dedicated student of the Diamond Approach for over 35 years and brings a wealth of experience and deep understanding. Since 2012, he has been sharing his insights as a teacher, guiding others on their journeys of self-discovery and transformation.

John’s approach is rooted in his profound commitment to open-ended inquiry and the principles of the Diamond Approach. Through his work with Open-Secrets and involvement in the Sacramento-Folsom Diamond Approach, John has helped countless individuals explore the depths of their inner world with clarity, compassion, and insight. His guidance will be invaluable as we navigate the rich terrain of Diving Into the Inner Ocean, making our discussions both enlightening and deeply transformative.

Let’s embark on this journey together and see what treasures we can uncover in the depths of our inner world.



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