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September 8, 2019
10:00 am - 01:00 pm

Whether your co-worker is narcissistic, your sibling is distant, your partner is clingy, or your friend behaves erratically, it can be hard to clarify and better understand the dynamics of your relationships. 


By exploring the obstacles in your relationships, both conscious and unconscious, you can bring in more understanding and the freedom to be authentically yourselfand to be together with others in a real way, so that true connectedness, support, and love can blossom in the relational field. 


Diamond Approach teachers and married partners Bob Ball and Jeanine Mamary use a precise and powerful method for studying human relationships, examining them through three “centers”: the head center, where our ideas and beliefs about relationships form; the heart center, which is the seat of our emotions; and the belly center, which relates to our instinctual needs for security, pleasure, and connection. 


You’re invited to join Bob and Jeanine on Sunday, September 8 from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time, when they’ll lead a live online seminar to explore human relating through the three centers, to help you in developing more conscious and fulfilling relationships. 


In “Exploring Conscious Relationship with the Diamond Approach,” you’ll have the opportunity to discover... 


  • How recognizing what’s true in any relationshipincluding your relationship with yourself and with the Divinecan become a light that illuminates your growth edges and leads to spiritual development 

  • How becoming aware of your instinctual needs can lead to freedom from the pressure those needs put on your relationships 

  • How your relationships can become a fluid expression of what is possible for the human heart—including joy, kindness, harmony, and closeness with others 

  • How you can meet another freshly, without the filmy overlay of your historical conditioning, so that greater depth and intimacy with each other can arise  


The seminar, which is part of the Diamond Approach Online’s “Spirituality in Daily Life” series, will consist of a set of short teachings, exercises, and plenty of time for questions and comments with Bob and Jeanine. 


You are welcome to attend by yourself or with a friend, a sibling, a lover—or anyone interested in exploring the possibilities we all have for enjoying deeper and more meaningful relationships. 


A recording of the program will be made available to all registrants, including those who can’t attend live.


Jeanine Mamary and Bob Ball are long-time Ridhwan teachers and current directors of the Ridhwan European teacher-training programs. They both serve on the leadership council of the Ridhwan School, home of the Diamond Approach®. Besides being colleagues and teaching frequently with each other in the U.S. and Europe, they are married and enjoy their home life in Leland, MI. 


Bob and Jeanine will also be exploring the same topic in greater depth at “On Being in Relationship,” an in-person, three-day retreat happening soon at Guest House Retreat & Conference Center in Chester, Connecticut. You can find out more about the retreat here.


Sunday September 8 10:00 a.m. - 1 p.m. PDT

Find your local time here


$35 USD

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