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February 25, 2023
12:00 pm - 01:30 pm

" In the process of inquiry...the soul first throws away her old garb....”  
A. H. Almaas, Spacecruiser Inquiry

Please join us as we meet live for 4 weeks via Zoom. This inquiry group is open to the public and all are welcome.

Inquiry, the central practice of the Diamond Approach, offers a powerful, dynamic doorway to becoming more intimate with our own personal experience in the moment. It is a unique method of self-understanding. We will meet as a group and you will have the opportunity to inquire individually with the teacher in the supportive online presence of the other group members.

We will also explore and learn meditation, and sensing practice, which are supportive to understanding this path. The Diamond Approach transmits very effectively on Zoom.

The Diamond Approach to self-realization is a contemporary spiritual path integrating the teachings and practices of the ancient wisdom traditions with modern depth psychology. Developed by Hameed Ali, it is an ever-evolving teaching that emphasizes the realization and living of our True Nature in the World.

Joining the Diamond Approach Florida group has been the greatest gift I’ve given to myself. Prior to joining, I always felt like something was missing and off about life, but not knowing what. After joining, I felt like I came back “home” again and started to align with my heart’s deepest longings. The ways in which the work continues to touch and transform me is impossible to put into words, but it is the most precious work in my life (and nothing else comes close)." – Tej D. 

"An incredible life-transforming blessing that keeps on giving. I would not be where I am today without the incredible support of the group, the teacher, and the subtleties of this teaching." -Chris E.

Saturdays via Zoom, 12n-1:30pm EDT (10am-11:30am. MDT)

February 25

March 11, 18 & 25, 2023

COST: $120 for the 4-week series.
Sliding scale available.


Contact Ilene Buchalter at [email protected]  or on the website

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