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October 1, 2023
12:00 pm - 02:30 pm

Diamond Approach Florida, a new open group, welcomes the public to join us for this Free webinar on October 1, 2023.

A free talk will evoke our depth, meditation, and personal inquiry exploration.

How is Curiosity important for our spiritual journey and our lives?

We may feel we need to be serious to be free. Yet, when our inner journey is infused with the Joy of Curiosity, our journey—and our lives-- can feel like a lighthearted, playful journey of discovery. 

Essential Joy is the source of curiosity and openness to engage our love of the truth. This brings adventure in discovering the wondrous treasure within us—who we really are.  With this discovery, our inner journey and our lives can be transformed.

OCTOBER 1, 2023

12noon-2:30 p.m. EDT

Online: via Zoom


Download Flyer>>

REGISTRATION/ INFORMATION: Please preregister by September 29  so we can send you a Zoom link. Ilene Buchalter at [email protected] or our website


  • Ilene Buchalter, a Diamond Approach teacher since 2002, works with groups and individuals living in Florida, Colorado, the Southeast U.S., and internationally.
  • Ursula McCall, a Diamond Approach teacher since 2015, works with groups and individuals living in Florida, Hawaii, and internationally.

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Online: Zoom
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