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April 2, 2023
12:00 pm - 02:30 pm

Diamond Approach Florida, an open group, is offering this free public webinar on April 2nd. Everyone is welcome!

There will be meditation, a talk evoking our depth and personal inquiry.

Spiritual friends share a common orientation of inner growth and self-discovery. They provide a safe and supportive space for each other to explore their familiar selves, their patterns and tendencies. They help us to stay focused and committed to our growth and development. They explore their limitations, open doors to their True Nature and Inner Freedom.

“A real friend will not give you advice because advice does not help understanding....A true friend will help you arrive at insight about the situation…. So a friend is there, is present, to help you understand, to expose what is there in yourself and thus to understand what the situation is….” A.H. Almaas Diamond Heart, Book 2, pp180-81


Ilene Buchalter, a Diamond Approach teacher since 2002, works with groups and individuals living in Florida, Colorado, the Southeast, the U.S., and internationally. 
Ursula McCall, a Diamond Approach teacher since 2015, works with groups and individuals living in Florida, Hawaii, and internationally.     


April 2nd, 2023

12:00 -2:30 pm EDT

Preregistration is required so we can send you a Zoom invite.

Please preregister by 5pm EDT Friday, March 31st.

Contact Ilene Buchalter at [email protected] or

Download Flyer>>


“Joining the Diamond Approach Florida group has been the greatest gift I’ve given to myself. Prior to joining, I always felt like something was missing and off about life, but not knowing what. After joining, I      felt like I came back “home” again and started to align with my heart’s deepest longings. The ways in which the work continues to touch and transform me is impossible to put into words, but it is the most precious work in my life (and nothing else comes close)." – Tej D. 


"An incredible life-transforming blessing that keeps on giving. I would not be where I am today without      the incredible support of the group, the teacher, and the subtleties of this teaching." -Chris E.


Online: Zoom
United States

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