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DADC3 2020-09

September 19, 2020
10:00 am - 05:30 pm

Our usual way of living is managing and manipulating our experience to avoid pain and increase comfort, thus limiting the inherent freedom of our nature. Learning to allow all inner experience without acting out or repression opens us to deeper love and intimacy with who we are. Inquiry — a main method of the Diamond Approach — invites a state of allowing that potentiates understanding and the transformation of experience into wisdom.

We are excited to be opening a third group in the DC area. September 19th will be the second of three one-day introductory teachings offered in 2020. The next will be December 5. These events are open to the public and all are welcome to join us. Each teaching stands alone - there are no prerequisites for attendance.

Due to the pandemic, this event will be held online. When it is clearly safe to do so, we intend to hold future meetings in Arlington, VA.


10am - 5:30pm
There will be a 90-minute lunch break at approximately 1pm.


Tuition fee: $100 ($75 if paid by September 1st)

For more information and registration, contact Barbara at [email protected] or 202-746-9473.


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