09:30 am - 05:30 pm
Cultivate Steadfastness, Confidence, and Support
Have you ever wondered how to develop steadfastness, persistence and authentic unshakeable confidence?
Join us for an exploration into staying on track, even when faced with resistance inside and out.
About the Retreat:
Life often throws us curveballs, challenges our authenticity, and tests our resolve.
For anything to happen on the spiritual path, or in our life, we need persistence, steadfastness and support. These capacities are the result of being in touch with the solidity and support of true will. It is will that helps us overcome obstacles and keep moving in the direction we need to go.
In this retreat, we are continuing our exploration and deepening into this fundamental, indispensable essential quality.
But how do we discover and develop the inner support needed to be true to ourselves?
From participating in this retreat, you may gain an understanding into:
- How your relationship with your father impacts your sense of inner support
- How to liberate yourself from the imprint of your relationship with father
- How self-images associated with a strong will block your connection to true will
- The difference between true or ‘essential’ will and the ego’s distortion of it
- What ‘surrender’ is, why it is important, and what blocks it
- The source of groundedness, realism and certainty on the spiritual path
- The significance of will for the inner journey
Who Should Attend:
Individuals seeking to align their lives with who they really are.
Anyone looking to build a solid inner support to sustain their journey towards authenticity and self-realization.
Anyone curious about joining the ongoing group DAA8.
Teachers: Ashley Wain, Jane Armytage, Frances Haynes, Grant Trewenack, Renee Redd and Ian Cox
Dates: 18 - 22 January 2024
NOTE: there is an orientation for new students joining retreat for the first time on 15 January, 6pm – 8pm (ADST)
Times: 9.30am - 5.30pm with a 2 hour break (last day finishes at 5pm)
Venue: Sydney University Village, Newtown, and online for those unable to attend in person