09:00 am - 05:00 pm
Our experience is all we know. It includes our thoughts, feelings, sensations, recognitions, intuitions, as well as our inner conflicts.
What opens the door to what is most real in us? How do we arrive at who and what we truly are?
In the Diamond Approach path, our primary practice is called ‘Inquiry’, an open, open-ended, kind and curious exploration of our experience, fuelled by love.
We can begin with whatever is there in our everyday life – even if it seems mundane. If we open to our experience and engage it, our experience will usher us deeper into the magic and the mystery of reality.
Engaging Your Experience is the third retreat of a three-part series of teaching introducing the Diamond Path. Each part of the series is a stand-alone retreat and does not depend on doing the other two parts.
Join us for two days of experiential learning into engaging with the practice of inquiry.
Join us for two days of experiential learning into befriending whatever is going on for you.
Cost: $220 AUD (inc. GST)
Start: 14 August 2021 9:00 am
End: 15 August 2021, 5:00 pm
Organizer: Diamond Approach Australia
Register at: www.diamondapproachaustralia.com
Email: [email protected]
Location: Online via Zoom (Australian, New Zealand and Pacific region residents only)
$220 (AUD)
To register, please go to: https://diamondapproachaustralia.com/how-to-engage-upcoming-events-hub/