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June 26, 2021
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Some of us operate from our minds, and our bodies are just a means of getting from place to place. Some are led exclusively by their emotions. The rest of us may just follow our instincts and ignore what our hearts or heads may be saying.

In this introductory webinar, we’ll begin to explore bringing our head, heart and belly centers into alignment.  Each of these centers is an organ of unique perception and expression.

Our belly is the center of sensing, embodiment and action in the world.  Our heart is the center of our feelings and our love of the truth.  Our mind is the center of our discerning and discriminating intelligence and our desire and capacity to know. Together, these centers enable us to come into contact with our true nature; getting more present with ourselves and our experience. This alignment is integral to our ability to allow and to inquire.

Please join us in this fascinating exploration of the three centers.

Who can Attend: Everyone is welcome. Please feel free to invite friends and relatives and any others for whom you think these teachings would be of interest.

Diamond Approach Teacher: Lyn Ciocca

Date and Time:  
Saturday, Jun 26, 2021, 10am - 12pm, MDT

Registration:  Register Here

How:  Zoom: once registered, the Zoom connection will be sent to you.


Diamond Heart Ten, Colorado


Email: [email protected]



This event is free and open to the public


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