09:00 am - 11:00 am
FREE WEBINAR Open to all – Diamond Approach Students and Non-Students
Do you know what you are as a spiritual being? As human beings we are very interested in knowing our spiritual nature. Traditional methods for discovering this true nature have included: transmission of more enlightened views and inner experiences by realized teachers, meditation practices and silent retreats away from the familiar world. All of these can awaken or remind us of our original, unconditioned nature. In addition to all those, in the Diamond Approach we all use the practice of Inquiry into our immediate experience which very effectively reveals deeper truths that end in the experience of our spiritual nature. In this webinar, we will explore the method of inquiry, both conceptually and experientially.
Come join us to deepen your understanding and discover the infinite possibilities lying within you!
Who can Attend: Everyone is welcome. This webinar is designed for Diamond Approach students, non-students, friends and relatives and any others for whom you think these teachings would be of interest.
Saturday, April 10, 2021, 9-11am MDT
Free. To register and get the Zoom link: Register Here