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CASC4 2018 06Jun

June 01 - June 03, 2018
01:00 pm - 05:00 pm
Seattle, Washington

We are pleased to invite you to join Cascadia Diamond Approach 4 (CASC4), a newly forming on-going Diamond Approach group based in Seattle, open to students throughout the Pacific Northwest. CASC4 is a long-term group that meets five times per year taught by Candace Harris, Renie Hope, and Jane Hill-Daigle, ordained teachers in the Ridhwan School. Direct and intimate contact with our immediate experience can connect us to the openness and depth of our True Nature. Living from this depth provides understanding, guidance, and loving support for the inner journey home to the simplicity that we are.

Weekends include meditation, evocative talks, body-based practices, and personal inquiry.

As support for the ongoing work, group participants will have one or two private sessions per month with a Ridhwan teacher. For more information, or to apply to the CASC4 group please contact Candace at [email protected], Jane at [email protected] or Renie at (206) 365-3817. 

Sarah Walston is our registrar.

Email: [email protected]

Registration Form: Event Flyer & Registration Form

Cascadia Regional Website:


North Seattle College
9600 College Way North
Seattle, WA 98103
United States
Washington US

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