07:00 pm - 09:00 pm
Auburndale, Massachusetts
The Five Movements Practice is a way to explore the remarkable, inner landscape that lives within your body’s sensations, movements and expressions. This practice was developed out of the principles and insights of the Diamond Approach, including the understanding that your physical body is not an object you occupy but a portal to your deepest nature. The Five Movements practice:
- brings you a greater sense of balance and alignment
- awakens you to presence
- helps you access inner clarity and depth in new and enriching ways
In this class, you will also get a taste of the central method of the Diamond Approach, Inquiry, a subtle and precise practice that reveals the truth and preciousness hidden in your ordinary experience. The class includes meditation, movement work, and time for inquiry and discussion.
Greg Knight is a Diamond Approach® Teacher and Advanced Rolfing® Practitioner who works with students in RI, MA, CT and by Skype
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Organizer Name: Greg Knight
Phone: 401-724-8426
Website: www.diamondapproachne.org
Email: [email protected]
Cost: $25