I was drawn to the diamond approach about 30 years ago. As a psychotherapist practicing psychosynthesis and body oriented psychotherapy I saw with my clients that when we unpacked different experiences from their history they entered more expanded and essential states. When I read some of Hameed's books on the Point/Pearl I saw there was a teaching school that supported the awakening process through being where you were in the moment. As I worked in an experiential way with my past patterns in an emobodied way, essential staes and presence arose.
So my journey started and given the community, the teachings and the love that is here I have come more into knowing and being what I am. I feel deep gratitude for this work.
As a therapist,I have been trained in somatic experiencing, Thomas Hubl's work and AEDP. These experiential modalities and my learnings in the diamond approach to support students' unfoldings. BEing aligned with the diamond approach and integrating my past experiences supports and guides me to attune to what is needed.
It is with great joy that I bow to this wonderful, challenging path of being a human being.
My deepest longing has been to touch freedom in an intimate way. In the many years of being in the school I am more able to be open and intimate with what is arising.
Thus loving the truth for its own sake keeps deepening and integrating. I feel much more lighter in my heart in whatever is arising.
Given my background as a therapist for 40 years and being in diamond approach for 25 and being in this life for over 70 years I can sit with whatever is unfolding in the student's sharing and expression.
I also feel honored and humbled by the process of being human in all its glories and contractions.
What attracted me to diamond approach is the possiblity of being in the world and not of it. How to be intimate with family, partners, friends and yet to be totally there and present with what is going on.
This has been a joyful and challenging at times, adventure in learning to love and be open to what is true.