I have been a research scientist in atmospheric physics (PhD from Harvard University, 1989, worked at NOAA), adventure athlete and outdoor industry person, and entrepreneur. I never expected to be on a spiritual path and didn't look for one, but the Diamond Path found me and reeled me in. If we follow our heart it will lead us where we need to go.
First it is about unlearning what we thought we knew, and accepting not knowing. As a scientist I was literally trained to know. Dropping that need to know is a gigantic relief. When we can step in to the openness of the unknown there is the opportunity for something new to be revealed.
I simply can not explain it. I was like a moth to a flame – a beautiful, luminous, mysterious, flame that definitely burns away what is not real and not needed.
Through inquiry, we work with whatever is coming up in our life to find out the deeper truth. In this way life becomes an exciting adventure rather than the usual string of alternating frustrating or pleasant experiences. Living a real life is the path.