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Preferred pronouns: he/him
Introductory Description: 
What attracted you to the Diamond Approach?: 

I came to the Diamond Approach from two directions. On the one hand, I was curious about myself and exploring possibilities for expanding consciousness. I had the good fortune to be exposed to a number of different practices and paths, and I thought the Diamond Approach would be another path I could learn from. I expected to get a taste of it and move on, as I had with other teachings. At the same time, I was looking for a way out of emotional pain and a sense of being out of touch with myself and others. Rather quickly, I began learning and healing. For me however, the real question is why I continued with the Diamond Approach. Briefly, I found something real in it. It was not especially glamorous or enticing, but working with whatever was coming up for me, a feeling of genuineness in the group and the teacher, and the permission to ask the questions I needed to ask spoke deeply to me. I feel blessed to have found this path.

Audio and/or Video products of mine: 

Life Transitions: Doorways to Transformation: Engaging the wisdom of the Diamond Approach to welcome change. On demand through Diamond Approach Online. 

Books and/or articles I’ve written: 

The Diamond Approach: An Introduction to the Teachings of A. H. Almaas. (Shambhala Publications).

The Diamond Approach. In Handbook of Transpersonal Psychology. (Wiley-Blackwell Pub). With Theodore Usatynski and Zvi Ish-Shalom.

Diamond in the Rough: An Exploration of Aliveness and Transformation in Wilderness. In Ecopsychology, Phenomenology, and the Environment: The Experience of Nature. (Springer Pub.) 

Ecopsychology, Transpersonal Psychology, and Nonduality. International Journal of Transpersonal Studies


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