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Introductory Description: 

Parvati has been a student of the DA since 1998; she was ordained as a teacher in 2014.  Previously Parvati was a student of Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan in the Sufi tradition.  She was an original member of a residential spiritual community where she lived for 5 years and co-founded and directed an elementary school for children in both the Sufi and neighboring communities.  Parvati’s background is in counseling and education.  In addition to teaching and administering, Parvati has worked as a therapeutic teacher, guidance counselor and psychotherapist.  In the last 15 years Parvati has discovered the 'artist within' and paints landscapes and portraits in watercolor.  She is active with bicycling, hiking, yoga, and tap dancing!












What have you learned as a result of studying the Diamond Approach?: 

Learning and understanding continue to unfold. I am forever grateful to this path and to my teachers for helping me understand my past and to have an inkling of who I am independent of my personal history.

What attracted you to the Diamond Approach?: 

What first attracted me was the invitation to be real, to presence, to paying attention to my direct experience and how I was affected. I was relieved to know that I didn't need to edit anything; that all of me was included. What kept me going in the work was the 15 uninterrupted minutes I had to myself during the exercises! That alone was a gift and something my soul needed.

Events with Parvati

Passionate Love

2025-06-28 10:00

Location:  Amherst, MA, United States

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