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What would you like your potential students to know about you as a teacher of the Diamond Approach?: 

When I started in the Ridhwan school twenty-six years ago, it never occurred to me that I would become a teacher at the school. At that time, I was a general practitioner in Copenhagen. I enjoyed being in service for my patients the best I could, I lived in a nice place and earned good money. But something was missing, and I didn’t know what it was. After two broken relationships I realized I was repeating myself, and I didn’t know how to fulfill the wishes of my heart: to live a harmonious life together with other human beings. At that time, I came across the Diamond Approach. I don’t feel I choose Diamond Approach, I more feel that true nature had heard my wish and guided me to the work. After finishing my carrier as a medical doctor, I became ordained 2017. To become a teacher at the school has been the biggest challenge and most rewarding event in my life. With support from my loving and truthful teachers, and my fellow students, my soul slowly was turned towards presence and love for the truth. Today, my biggest wish is to guide my students with steadfastness, and an open and loving heart to discover their own truth. 

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