Introductory Description:
What have you learned as a result of studying the Diamond Approach?:
Becoming human is a lifelong journey.
Not-knowing is the boundless ocean, which gently embraces the tiny island of human knowledge.
What would you like your potential students to know about you as a teacher of the Diamond Approach?:
nothing special
What attracted you to the Diamond Approach?:
In the early nineties a friend gave me Hameed's book "Void", and it took me straight into the first DA group in Europe, which was taught by Karen Johnson, Alia Johnson, Jessica Britt, and Duncan Scribner. Then I met Hameed. Finally I had found a place, where my questions make sense.
What is most important for people to understand about the Diamond Approach?:
there is no general rule since the Diamond Approach values the individual as much as the universal.