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Introductory Description: 


Welcome, Bienvenue, Chào Bạn!

My inner journey started when I was seven years old, vacationing in Đà Lạt with my family.
It is known as the “City of Eternal Spring” in southern Việt Nam’s Central Highlands, surrounded by hills, pine forests, lakes, and waterfalls.

I remember lying under a beautiful pine tree with the warm sun filtering through the branches.

The experience of being ONE with everything filled my heart.

I am the tree, I am the sunlight, I am the air that I breathe.
I felt a spaciousness and a peacefulness that eradicated any sense of separation.
That experience expanded my consciousness, infused it with curiosity, and guided my soul toward the Source of it all.

The war in Viet Nam landed me in Germany, France, and the United States.

My first spiritual teacher was Thầy Thích Nhất Hạnh.
He taught me the value of seeing beauty and peace in every step and in every breath.

I found the Diamond Approach path through a friend who gifted me "Diamond Heart Book One: Elements of the Real in Man."
Every page that I opened transmitted a truth that resonated with my heart.

I started my Work on the Diamond Approach path in 2000.
My teachers are the founders of the School, and the teachings and practices have continued to clarify and purify my soul,
emptying the conditioning, beliefs, and self-images and making space for the inherent values of my True Nature to emerge.

Values that include Love, Grace, Beauty, Intelligence, Compassion, True Will, Joy, and so many more.

Bit by bit, the Soul is transformed as she feels the freedom to actualize her potential.
I am in the world, and I am also the Mystery of the Universe, stardust. That is who and what I am. Both.

Maybe you also sense some stirrings to explore who and what you are.

One primary tool we use for exploration is the practice of inquiry.
It is a practice of asking questions that are open and open-ended using breath and movements 
to delve deeper into the meaning of what is real now.
All experiences are welcome because every experience is a doorway to the mystery and depth of our Being.

I invite you to take the first step, the first breath toward your inner journey to discover the preciousness of your Soul.
What would it be like to live and actualize your potential from a place of freedom, love, and bliss? Let's find out together.


Events with Tuyết

Sunday Evening Inquiry & Exploration

2025-03-16 19:00

Location:  Berkeley, CA, United States

Sunday Evening Inquiry & Exploration

2025-03-23 19:00

Location:  Berkeley, CA, United States

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