I am orginally from London UK, with a mixed heritage of Jamiacan, Scottish and Indian culture. After working in the city for some years, I started to feel a deep disatisfaction with my life. Even though I had a good secure and steady well paid job, something deep inside felt extremely unhappy. There was a gnawing feeling that surely there had to be more to life than this. But I did not know what this looked like!
Some months later I meet my future partner who had been on his own spiritual quest. This lead me to India where in 1994 I participated in my first 10 day silent meditation retreat. This is where my inner journey back home began. As well as attending silent meditation retreats, I also began a yoga practice, which supported an embodied practice and I began teaching in 2008. In 2005 I co-founded a meditation retreat centre in SW France where we offer many silent retreats plus yoga and Tai chi events.
I attended my first Diamond Approach retreat in 2005 and straight away felt a deep affinity and love for these teachings and practices as they began to unfold in this body. They were deeply transformative, so much so that I began the teacher training in 2012.
I have learnt how to be real, how to be more myself, simpler. Things don't need to be so complicated, and they definitely were beforehand. I saw how the structures of our personality take hold and can create tension in the body and mind, and how our history impacts the way we meet the world. With the Diamond Approach teachings, through the art of inquiry, through staying close to my experience, I have worked through and understood some of these structures to such an extent, that they fell away, allowing a simple freedom to be.
I saw some positive changes happening to friends who had joined a previous DA group and I was intrigued. I signed up for the next UK group, and was not disappointed. Although at first glance the teachings may seem quite intellectual and heady, they are actually quite the opposite. I found the work, the inquiries very experiential and real and worked through some major issues I had been dealing with. Yet it did not stop there. It opened up to the freedom and spaciouness that one reads about in spiritual books, yet can feel unobtainable in this life time. Yet it all comes back down to the simplicity of being exactly where you are in this moment.
Events with Gail
Purely Practice: A Diamond Approach Introductory Retreat
2025-09-04 17:00
Location: Ashprington, United Kingdom