I was born and raised in Belgium, West-Flanders and lived in Ghent while working in healthcare as a psychiatric social worker. At the age of 28 I realized I had to venture out to fullfill my life's journey in a more authentic way. Apart from reading Gurdjieff, Krishnamurti, and many other spiritual teachings, I started breathwork, emotional bodywork, yeartrainings 'Vision of the Heart' and moved to Holland. While raising my daughter in Haarlem, I got deeper involved in the teachings of R. Steiner and Ridhwan work. My first Diamond Approach Weekend was in 1997 with Alia Johnson and later Jessica Britt. DANS1 became my base group, and when the coördinator (at that time) shared her experiences of her teacher's training, I immedeately 'foresaw' this was my path too -- not necessarily an easy one--, even though there was not any mentioning of a next teachers training for years and my circumstances did not look favorable... I responded to a deep calling and joined the Seminar Training Program in Europe.
Learning and growing in the Diamond Approach has deepened my Being Human in so many unexpected ways. The peace and depth of the mystery, the freedom to venture out in colorful ways in my life, the opportunity to abide with students and guide them on their path, these are some of the many blessings.
I was 'called' on this journey to understand more on what it means to be a Human Being, in its manifested and unmanifested form. I have experienced that some challenging life events have hidden treasures in them, which sometimes only reveal themselves fully over the span of many years. Becoming an expression of True Nature's ongoing unfolding, allowing 'not knowing' to open up new revelations, has simultanously opened up many horizons and brought me simply and most intimately home in the depth of my Being.
The fact that this path brings each student to her/his unique understanding and actualisation. Also that there is the long term ongoing guidance and development of the school, in a structure that provides holding for the teaching, without having to adjust in a certain form or condition.
Co-author of: 'Hoe warmte werkt' Een ondezoek naar vier nivaus van warmte in de zorgverlening (fysiek, etherisch, psychisch, geestelijk). (uitg. Raphaëlstichting 2017).
Events with Geertrui
2025-04-27 13:00
2025-06-21 09:30
Location: Paris, France
2025-11-02 15:00