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Born 1954 in Germany, studied Philosophy in Munich 1973, 1974-79 Art/Sculpture at Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux Arts de Paris, 1979-83 travelled and studied in India and Asia, 1984-88 M.A. studies in Buddhism and Psychotherapy (M.A.Thesis: Dzogchen and Unitive Psychotherapy- an East West Approach to Healing and Transformation)-1984 ongoing: private practice in body-oriented psychotherapy(Stattman/Boadella) Since 2006 ordained as Diamond Approach teacher. Individual sessions, groups and travels to several retreats- ongoing....
What have you learned as a result of studying the Diamond Approach?: 


What would you like your potential students to know about you as a teacher of the Diamond Approach?: 

nothing special

What attracted you to the Diamond Approach?: 

precision and openness

What is most important for people to understand about the Diamond Approach?: 


Books and/or articles I’ve written: 

Dzogchen and Unitive Psychotherapy -an East West approach to healing and transformation


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