I learned to stand om my own legs, grounded in life, and to be where I am with presence as much as possible --even to be aware with presence when I lose this. This involves letting go of control, being vulnerable, being human, and allowing all the essential qualities and many more qualities to be part of my life. In light times as well as in difficult times. And last but not least it means to experience being true nature, guided by guidance. Even in moments I forget about this.
I would like to let them know that I want to support them in their personal inquiry in order to get understanding about their questions in all areas of their daily life: helping them to find and live their truth in a full life, to get clarity and insights. It is exciting to support my students, each on their own path, with all my presence, knowledge and love, and to see them grow and mature over time. During the sessions, using the breath and the body is an important tool for me. The sessions can be done in Dutch, English or German.
During a difficult period in my life, a therapist pointed me to the Diamond Approach. After reading parts of one of the Diamond Heart books I was intuitively drawn to find out more about this teaching. Participating in an ongoing group, I was--and still am--deeply touched by the inclusiveness of the teaching and the attitude of the teachers. This allowed me to find out in an accepting environment who I really am, what is my truth, and to be supported while dealing with all the obstacles that obscured my life, applying the wonderful tool of inquiry with all the possibilities that this offers. The never ending journey of the teachings, bringing depth, understanding and opening up to realness, is a gift.
That the Diamond Approach is an open ended, ongoing path in finding out who and what one really is, in service of truth.